Internet Marketing & Customer Experience Platform

Restaurant-Tech offers a marketing automation and customer experience platform that helps restaurants get discovered online, collect customer insights, keep customers coming back, and be best-in-class.


Building and Growing a Large Customer Database

If there is one thing that the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020 taught restaurant owners and operators, it is that having a large customer database is crucial to keeping your business alive when times get tough.

Simply put, a customer database is a collection of actual customer names along with their associated contact information, such as their email or phone number. With this very basic set of data, you can begin sending marketing messages to these customers to get them to come back to your place of business, or order take-out or delivery.


The benefit of offering guest WiFi

Your customers expect WiFi, and expect that your company will offer it for free while they are on your premises. Businesses that offer it are more likely to be favored over competitors that don’t. In fact, according to Small Biz Trends, “There are people who select venues based upon availability of free WiFi. Thus, your business is bound to have an advantage over your competitors if they do not offer free WiFi.”

According to research by Devicescape, providing free WiFi for customers increases:

  • Foot traffic
  • Time spent on premises
  • The amount customers spend

The LA Times cited a similar study and reported that 96 percent of customers prefer visiting a business that offers free WiFi. They went onto say that “79 percent of businesses say it helps keep customers happy while they wait for service,” and “64 percent of respondents have chosen a restaurant based on free Wi-Fi availability.


How Guest WiFi Marketing Combined With Internet Marketing Can Increase Restaurant and Bar Revenue…

Customers come to bars and restaurants and in an hour or two they are gone again for a month or two. Owners recognize their customers faces sometimes but to don’t really have a way to communicate with them when they aren’t in the bar or restaurant. Guest WiFi allows owners to collect customer contact information in exchange for providing free WiFi for them. When they agree to give their contact information they are also agreeing to accept messaging from the bar or restaurant. As long as the bar or restaurant doesn’t abuse this communication channel, it can be a major driver to get their customers to come back more often and to spend more. Get Something In Return For Offering Free WiFi To Your Customers

Business owners have a 60-70% chance to sell again to a past customer and only a 5-20% chance to get a new customer to give them a try. Existing customers spend 31% more than new customers. *A Study by Marketing Sherpa

Costs and Profits:

Internet Marketing Transforms Cost Into Revenue / Internet Marketing converts cost to profit.

Guest WiFi is a necessary cost. Customers stay longer when you have WiFi, and as a result spend more money with you. However, guest WiFi doesn’t have to be a cost center for your company. It can, and should, be a profit center.

There is a burgeoning argument that marketing is not a cost center within an organization, as the traditional model suggests. Rather, it is a profit center. This profit center philosophy bears out if you spend less on acquiring and retaining new customers than the revenue those customers bring to your business.


Attract New Customers ThroughProximity Marketing

You don’t have to wait for customers to walk through your door before you start marketing to them. If your WiFi signal extends to the sidewalk or common space around your brick-and-mortar location, a branded login page introduces your brand as soon as they connect to your WiFi. Offer them a can’t-miss promotion or exclusive coupon to get them in the door.


Increase Customer Lifetime ValueThrough WiFi Marketing

A quality internet marketing platform is more than a splash page — it’s a marketing automation tool. Build nurturing email campaigns that encourages customers to return, thanks them for their purchases, and alerts them to special campaigns and promotions.


Transform Customers into Brand Evangelists

There is no marketing more powerful than a personal recommendation from an existing customer. internet marketing makes this easier than ever. Send a thank you that asks if their purchase met their expectations, and if so, encourage them to leave a review. Share your most positive reviews right on your splash page, so new visitors are reassured by social proof.


Launch Internet Marketing for Your Restaurant!

It’s easier to jump on the Internet Marketing train than you may realize. Here’s what you need to get started:

  1. The first thing your business will need is the ability to connect to the internet. You’ll need to discuss this with your internet service provider, to determine the speeds and costs they feel will be best suited for your business.
  2. You will also need a business-class router that allows multiple devices to connect to the internet simultaneously. Most companies already have 1 and 2, but if you're just starting your business it's helpful to know how to proceed.
  3. Finally, you’ll need the GoZone WiFi Smart WiFi Controller and a GoZone Marketing4WiFi plan. With the Smart WiFi Controller, you simply plug it into your modem, and people can then automatically connect to your business’s WiFi without a password.

Once your guests attempt to connect, they will view your branded login splash page and enter their email or social media information to connect. That’s it!

Schedule a Free Demo today to see it in action!

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